This course explores the arts and cultural events in New York City. Each of the units– theater, opera, literature, dance, and visual arts–is based on a performance or exhibition. We will observe the way stories are told through opera, theater, poetry, dance, and visual art. Our activities will include engagement with art forms, including interpretation, analysis, and creative work. We will focus on the ways in which the work of art fulfills and departs from tradition and expectation. We will explore the ways that art reflects the culture and politics of the times and the experimental nature of identity and creativity. The class will consider questions about the creation, enjoyment, and social function of art from the perspectives of maker, spectator, and critic. This course will also consider the aesthetics of collaboration and collage.
Course info for MCHC 1001, Section T3AH, Fall 2017
- Meeting time: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30-4:55 pm in Boylan 2231
- Prof. Roni Natov |
- Alexis Carrozza, ITF | | eportfolio | Twitter: @lexcarrozza
Header image: Robert Rauschenberg, Monogram, 1955-59. Photo taken by Alexis Carrozza.