Torch Song: Costumes

The use of costumes was very efficient in the show Torch Song. First of all, the transitions between all the costumes were very smooth and subtle. For instance, the main character, Arnold didn’t run backstage to change. Instead, he comfortably changed in front of the audience without letting it hinder his performance. In addition, during the scene, “Fugue in a Nursery,” the characters utilized the same costumes for the bedroom scenes and kitchen scenes. In fact, the whole time Alan was on stage, he was in his boxers. However, the actors were so skilled that they were able to let the audience infer the setting. Last but not least, the costumes were generally very casual and followed the 80’s theme. They also didn’t support the stereotypical mentality of homosexuals dressing differently than other people and were very generic with the exception of Arnold dressing in flamboyant dresses from time to time when he was playing the role of a “drag queen.”

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