The Gestures of Torch Song

A gesture is a movement that involves a part of the body or the whole body and conveys a point. Gestures add a lot to a performance. They add so much meaning, character, life, and can convey so much about an individual. This was especially the case in the play Torch Song, which is currently playing on off-broadway. The facial features and movements of each of the six characters, Arnold, Ed, Alan, Laurel, David, and Arnold’s mother reflected their true nature.

Arnold was a man who was just looking for love and respect. His inability to find that from people who are so close to him, like his mom, made him a fairly unstable character during his young adulthood. His gestures were very sporadic, random, and wild. He always made jokes to hide his misery and unhappiness.

Ed was trying to create a “normal” life for himself, which consisted of hiding the fact that he is gay by marrying a woman and eventually starting a family with her. Ed previously had an intimate relationship with Arnold, but since this was against the “norm,” he quickly ended it to run off to a woman. Ed was a very smooth and flirtatious guy and that was seen through his gestures. He talked with people with charming eyes and was very touchy.

Alan was a young guy that Arnold first started dating for sex, but then grew to love. Alan was very young and this, too, was portrayed by his gestures. He seemed puzzled and confused most of the time, and had trouble understanding social cues.

Laurel was a woman whose heart has been broken one too many times. All she ever wanted was to get married and start a family. She just wanted to make Ed happy so that he would one day ask her the big question. Knowing the Ed’s previous lover was Arnold, Laurel mimicked Arnold in his actions so that Ed would love her. She over-exaggerated everything and tried making jokes and movements similar to that of Arnold.

David was a high-school student that was adopted by Arnold. David was very touchy, curious, and not afraid to enter into someone’s personal space. These gestures of his demonstrate his lack of a “normal” childhood.

Arnold’s mother was very old school. She was not too liberal. She had a strict code of rules which she believed one must follow to have a successful and purposeful life. Her strict manner was seen through her rigid movement.

All the actors in this play did a really good job with bringing their characters to life. Their gestures allowed the audience to learn so much more about the people in the play and made the play seem very real-life.

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