Torch Song Venue

Torch Song was shown at the Second Stage Theater on West 43rd and 8th Ave. Only a block from the lights and traffic of Times Square, this venue was a perfect location for this production. Being close, yet not on the famous 42nd St. can be symbolic of the controversiality of not being straight in the 1970s and 1980s, the time period that the play was in. Coming out at that time was judged upon and unusual. Because of this, placing the Second Stage Theater on a side block, away from the crowds of Manhattan was probably unintentional, but quite symbolic.

Torch Song, being an off-Broadway show, was expected by the class to still be in a big theater and seen by a lot of people. However, Second Stage Theater was small and intimate; the perfect size for this play. It allowed us to be up close and clearly hear each actor’s lines, almost making us feel like we were part of the play. The venue was a little old, but had slight modern additions to it, including the café and the big lights that said Torch Song above the stage. Although this theater was unexpected, I thoroughly enjoyed the play in this venue.

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