Torch Song- setup

Torch Song was one of my favorite performances that we’ve been to as a class. I feel like the actors, the comedy, and the set played a major role in this. The first scene was the dressing room of a drag queen’s show. When I first saw the set, I thought that we came to early because they weren’t done setting up yet. But I was mistaken. The disorder and chaos of the set resembled the disorder of the Arnold’s life. There was so much going on with his family and his love life that it perfectly came out in the first scene. The next scene was a conversation between both Ed and Arnold. Ed’s life was very kept together  on the outside and that’s how the set seemed as well. Everything was very clean and very simple. The next scene happened on the large bed. This was my favorite scene because they utilized the bed so well, without the audience being confused. At one end, the bed was being used as a kitchen and on the other it was an outdoor porch. I also like the 4 way conversation that happened on that bed. I felt like it went by in 2 seconds but it was so meticulously planned out. The final scene took place in Arnold’s house. It definitely looked like  a blast from the past with the old radio and the purple bunnies everywhere. I liked how the actors used the front of the stage as well. It made it feel like the audience was a part of their conversation.

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