Turandot- Acting

When I think about acting, I think about emotion. The emotion that I could visibly see through the character’s faces and the emotion that I can hear through their voices. Our seats in the balcony weren’t ideal to watch the actor’s face since we were so far back and high up. However, because I came late to the opera, they put me in a separate room. At first I thought that we would get put in a shabby room and I would have to watch the opera from this small room on a tiny screen, but I was wrong.  This room was similar to a small mini theater and it had a huge HD screen. We were able to see all the little details on the stage and we were able to see it so clearly. It truly did feel like a movie. I was able to see the emotion on all of the character’s  faces and I could see the strain in their faces when they sang. It was beautiful. After the first act, I got to join the class in the balcony. This time, I could tell a lot about a character’s acting through their voices. There were no microphones, but some of their voices were so loud and powerful. It was truly an experience.

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