Rubin Museum

Sound, in my mind, is flat. Sound is a means of communication, a method by which animals communicate with each other. Sound is a convenient way to convey information from one organism to another. Sound is vibrations; Sound is limitless. Before I visited the Rubin Museum, I did not know just how incredible sound is.


Sound can be felt; sound can be seen. Sound is versatile and can be transmitted for eternity. Entire cultures and religions are built upon the tenet of sound. The Buddhist religion conveys prayer in one syllable “om.”  Its adherents chant it and use the sound of “om” to connect with their deities. Sound is always around us; Sound is effervescent.


Spending a few hours at the Rubin Museum not only opened up my eyes to this phenomenon, but my ears as well. The historical artifacts and interactive exhibits made the museum fun and exciting. It was wonderful to see how much culture, feeling, history, and emotion can be expressed in one exhibit. After spending a few, enjoyable hours at the Rubin Museum, I now understand: Art is Sound and Sound is Art.



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