MoMA: Review

Thoughts on the MoMA

Our trip to the MoMA was a rather interesting one- to say the least. I had rather high expectations, in terms of the art, however modern art was, and still is, a new field of perspective for me. I do appreciate the interpretive quality of modern art, but the simplicity itself can be difficult for regular civilians like myself to really-truly- appreciate. I did enjoy the layout of the building, and the modern interior design, which offered in its own way, a blank canvas for the artist’s works to be placed. However, what I disliked the most was the rush. I feel like the MoMA is a place for someone to find a particularly compelling piece of art that they could just stare at for 5 mins to 30 mins, trying to either understand its  value or trying to understand the artist’s mindset. Instead, we were brought to see the most “important” portions, that being said primarily just Rauschenberg’s work, and then just walked through the rest without getting a chance to really indulge in the museum itself. We did assume that they rushed us, and the other visitors out because investors were visiting, but, at the end of the day, we wanted to enjoy the museum and the that wasn’t very fair….:( But, if I could go again I would, to try and experience it once more.

*[Image credit:]

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