Turandot Costumes

The story of Turandot was definitely one to remember. However, one of the main factors that made it truly memorable was the choice of costumes. For example, what really distinguished the regular public from royalty like Turandot was the type of fabric and the colors that they wore. The regular people were all wearing very plain white-gray clothes whereas Turandot would always appear with incredibly bright, sparkly, and flowy dresses coupled with elaborate head dresses. This helped emphasize the hierarchical structure in their society, and also distinguished important roles. In addition, make up was also a big factor because Turandot was wearing bright colors on her face as well, which were visible even from the very back row. Last but not least, the costumes also made the play more cohesive. For instance, when the regular people were running around, their lackluster clothing combined to make them all look like a wave circling around the queen, which symbolized the powerlessness of the public in front of Turandot.

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