Turnadot – Lighting

Being able to see Turnadot at the Metropolitan Opera House is definitely one for the books. Even though we were sitting in the second to last row, the experience of being in such a beautiful place was surreal. From the moment I stepped into view of the Met, I was amazed at what was in front of me. The lights shining out of the unique windows of the opera made the opera house look so grand, accompanied by the beautiful fountain in front of it. Everyone around me was taking pictures and I could definitely see why. NYC is known for its beautiful buildings and the Met definitely adds to the wonders of this city.

During the opera, I focused on the lighting between the different acts.  A total of three acts, there were two different setups on stage and each had very different lighting. In the first act, the stage was dark. The common people filled the stage and to exemplify their role during this time, it was almost impossible to see their faces with the dark lighting. It shows how insignificant they are compared to the other characters in this opera. In the second and last act, the stage displayed the beautiful palace. The stage was so bright that it actually hurt my eyes. There was a golden tone and it was so bright for the audience to clearly see Turnadot. Compared to the common people, Turnadot’s face was in the light and I was able to see her facial expressions. There was such a change in lighting to exemplify the different classes of people.

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