Fall for Dance- Costumes

The first performance that we saw was from the Miami City Ballet. The dance itself was very simple and graceful. This correlated with their costumes. They wore simple purple leotards, which are typical outfits for ballet. I noticed however, that all the girls and guys looked the same. They all had the same pale skin and the same colored hair. The next performance that we saw was Vincent’s. His dance had the setting of an African jungle and he played a bird. He was wearing traditional African pants. His performance was very raw. The next act was Trisha’s Dance Company’s. All of the dancers were wearing white cloth. In the final performance, Dorance Dance Company’s, we saw the most variety. Everyone was wearing casual clothing or somewhat business professional clothing. Their dance was very modernized and so was their clothing. This dance company was also very diverse. We saw people with blond pixie cuts and people of all races.

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