Look and look again

Brooklyn Museum: “A Storm in the Rocky Mountains”


This stunning work of art by Albert Bierstadt took my breath away when first laid eyes on it. I had been wandering around the museum for quite a while now looking for my “it” piece. When I walked into the room that contained this piece of art work, I was shocked at the beauty of the scenery and how a painting can so accurately represent such a realistic view. When I took a step back and looked again, I paid close attention to the small detail and I was even more taken back by the exquisiteness and refinement. To summarize the description, it said that Bierstadt was a skilled showman and he took the Rocky Mountains and exaggerated its scale and introduced dramatic weather to thrill his audience. Surely it is exactly that, thrilling. The dramatic weather is represented with a lot of dark contrast, but a shining ray of sunlight is depicted and I interpreted it as a silver lining in life. There were also small storylines taking place with the natives and the horses running away from the falling trees in the forest. This piece was incredibly detailed and was my favorite piece at the Brooklyn Museum.

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