Fall For Dance

I fell for dance. I never expected that I would, but I fell and I fell hard. To me dance was always an art form that I noticed, but never truly appreciated.  Fall for Dance showed me how versatile and incredible is dance. Through the use of different dance companies, many beautiful aspects of dance were portrayed. The Durance Dance company used tap dance to portray light and bright dance. The Miami City Ballet used slow and measured movements to create graceful dance. Vincent Mantsoe, in turn, showed us interpretive dance through his representation of a bird.  Finally, the Trisha Brown Dance Company showed us a futuristic dance. At the end of an incredible night, when the last act left the stage, the indelible imagines of swirling bodies and flashes of color were forever etched into my mind. The experience of feeling, not just viewing, dance will be something that I do not forget for a very long time.


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