STEAM Festival

I went into the STEAM festival pretty terrified. Being someone who doesn’t particularly enjoy presentations, I was afraid of how people would perceive our project. Though I loved what we made, I couldn’t help but feel intimidated by being in the same room with Seminar 3 students. However, once I got there, I was offered cookies- and cookies are always a good start to anything. I also immediately was to go to the Maker’s Space. Though I didn’t know what to do right away, I eventually made a button, and had fun doing it. I thought that was a great addition to the festival as a whole, just as another activity aside from seeing projects. When it came to seeing the projects themselves, it was interesting to see the variety of topics the Seminar 3 students had, as well as the other Seminar 1 projects. I enjoyed the sense of freedom we had to just go and see other projects, not for a grade but just out of interest. I also thought it took responsibility to switch with my group members between explaining our own project and going to see others, which felt good to have. Overall, it was a great experience, and went by far quicker than I thought it would. I liked meeting people from different years as well as different campuses, alongside becoming more comfortable with presenting as time went on.

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