Fall for Dance: Facial Expressions

The performance I watched at the Fall for Dance Festival was captivating and extremely impressive. This was my first dance show and I look forward to watching another one in the future. During the show, I focused on the dancers’ facial expressions from Miami City Ballet Company and Dorrance Dance Company. I found a surprising contrast between the expressions from the two companies, which contributed to the overall atmosphere of the performance. We were sitting a far distance from the stage, making it quite difficult to see each dancer’s exact facial expression.

The Miami City Ballet performance consisted of graceful movements from the female dancers. Despite their nimble movements, the females displayed a strict looking expression, which was highlighted through their high cheekbones and red lips. In comparison, the male dancers were more optimistic and lively through the smiles that they displayed on their face. This comparison between the female and male dancers in Miami City Ballet is extremely interesting. However, I am not sure if this applies to all female and male ballet dancers from different companies, as there is limited information online about this. From pictures that I have observed, males generally do have a more pleasant expression while dancing compared to females.

The Dorrance Dance Company consisted of both males and females that were all very energetic and lively. They made the atmosphere feel light and joyful. Every dancer had a smile plastered on their face throughout the performance, which contributed to the feelings that I was able to feel. Their smiles showed that they were really into the dance and enjoyed what they were doing. The smiles were not forced, but genuine smiles that displayed their passion for dance.

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