Fall For Dance Review: Rhythm

Rhythm is a regular and repeated pattern of movement or sound. During the first performance, Miami City Ballet, I noticed the music synchronized with the dance movements. Slow music was always associated with slow dance (as well as a lesser amount of people), while faster music was always associated with a lot of jumping and prancing, all together at a faster pace. The dance moves and patterns became more intense as the music grew more dramatic. Moreover, the dancers moved their bodies in such a way that it complemented each music note. For example, during the higher notes, they tip-toed or kicked their legs in the air, whereas with the lower notes they slowed their pace and lowered their bodies. As for the tap dancing portion, Dorrance Dance, I noticed that the deeper tones of music were associated with harder, stronger, and louder taps, while gentle music accompanied slower taps and the overall frequency of tapping was lower. These were repeated patterns of movement I noticed throughout the entire performance.

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