Reality vs Expectation

Reality vs Expectations

  1. “For Fermi felt two underwent two shocks that day. The first was on seeing the power of the blast, and the second was on meeting an undiscovered part of himself.”
  2. “If you deny that part of yourself in order to feel more whole, than you might as well be a different person.
  3. Griffin’s quote is a small bit of her radiation sorry. She refers to when Enrico Fermi felt the true power and devastation of nuclear weapons when he helped create the first atom bomb. That despite not even hearing the blast, the magnitude and aftermath of it rattled him. He became more paranoid, more worried about the cruel world, and what it can accomplish.
  4. Expectations can be wildly different from reality. Humans thrive on being able to predict the situations they’re in and be able to solve them. However, they can’t handle if expectations differ from reality. Humans have always feared the unknown. They built their society in a way where they don’t have to experience the hardships of mystery. Unfortunately, this gave birth to the expression, ignorance is bliss? But is it really?

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