Look and Look Again

Bryon Kim’s 6 Sunday Paintings

Nestled between a canvas portraying a depiction of a stormy Black Sea, and what looked to be a blue curtain, a collage of six paintings by Bryon Kim can be found.

At first glance, this piece exuded tranquility and serenity, and had a calming effect on me. The cooling and comforting shades of blue drew me close enough to read the personal notes and anecdotes etched in the dried paint, allowing me to experience a personal connection with the artist.

Another look at this collection of paintings revealed a tangible intimacy between the artist, his messages, and the audience. Through the paintings, I felt as though I was seeing the same Sundays the artist saw and depicted on these canvases. On further investigation, I realized there may be a hidden message in these paintings. They may reveal how life moves on, how each day [Sunday] is a new day, with its own experiences and obstacles. Some days life is easy, and light and airy, like the artist’s first few canvases. Other days may bring us sadness and stress, parallel to the stormy night Kim paints. Thus, for me, these paintings reveal that each day, or in this case, each Sunday, begins as a blank canvas, giving us the power to decide how we want to face it.

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