STEAM Festival

One of the best parts about Macaulay are the events where we get to meet other Macaulay students, and one such event was the STEAM festival. Typically, this event is for seminar 3 classes. However, this was the first year where seminar 1 students were also allowed to come. I think the best part about this was that we got to interact with not only students our own year but also students who were older and could give us tips and advice on how to do better or what to expect. It was interesting to see the projects that all the students brought. Some brought boards and posters while others had laptops and videos. In addition, they gave out cute STEAM notebooks in which we had to accumulate a bunch of stamps that we got every time we visited a new room or floor. My personal favorite part about the whole festival was that we got to make pins and magnets. You could make as many pins as you wanted. They could be designs that were available or ur own customized design. I would definitely love to go to events like this in the future too where we could meet students from all the other campuses.

One thought on “STEAM Festival

  • December 7, 2017 at 4:27 pm

    Thank you so much for writing about STEAM Festival! It’s important that we hear about what students like (and don’t like) to keep in mind as we plan in the future. It’s so awesome to hear that your STEAM Festival experience was positive, particularly in terms of talking to other students! One of the goals of STEAM Festival is creating environments that encourage interaction across grades, campuses, and classes so it’s especially gratifying to know that we succeeded on that part! Thanks again!

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