Turandot Review- Venue

For me, the venue for Turandot was my house, since I watched it on my laptop. The venue of the Metropolitan Opera definitely adds to the elegance and formality of the opera. However, I surprisingly was moved by the piece even though I was watching it in my home. The story of Turandot is very interesting one and it keeps viewers engaged. Furthermore, the music for it is absolutely breathtaking. I would have loved to see the orchestra play live. Furthermore, even though I wasn’t seeing the opera live, I could still connect to the characters and the opera overall. I believe this speaks to the wonderful job Puccini has done at adapting this play to an opera. Also, I did not expect the people on stage to act, I was just expecting them to sing. Their acting added to the emotions their voices held and helped convey the story even more. I feel like I took a lot away from just watching it on my laptop and hearing the music. It was a beautiful blend of Persian, Oriental and Italian culture.

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