The MoMA

After reviewing Robert Rauschenberg, his style, and his most popular works, we got a chance to see it in person at the Museum of Modern Art. The museum itself is simple in design, making Rauschenberg stand out even more. The class’s favorite, the taxidermy goat, felt way bigger in person and was very fascinating so up close. Rauschenberg took a tire, but it around the goat’s head, and put the goat on a collage. Altogether, it showed to be a beautiful piece. What I like about the exhibit is that his artwork is open to so many interpretations, where everyone’s own perspective and opinion is very creative and interesting. The tour guide did an amazing job with giving us the most concise tour of the exhibit. Although it was rushed, I did absorb alot of material and saw many great things. My personal favorite was the section with objects and materials put together with noises, making it sound as if we were walking through the city. I also liked the silhouette-like artwork Rauschenberg did of his wife. The colors were beautiful.

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