Steam Festival

We presented our work on Chorus of Stones at the STEAM festival a few weeks ago. The chapter my group and I chose was Denial. We depicted Denial’s many forms with various photos and quotes. We used jail bars to depict the various political and social forms of denial as well.

In my opinion, the STEAM festival was a very nice ending to an amazing semester of observing and appreciating art in our city. It was so nice to see fellow Macaulay students we met at orientation once again, and the overall mood of the day was very encouraging and had a communal sense to it. I felt this festival was a great way to incorporate different projects, ideas, and different types of student under the banner of Macaulay. There were many interesting and stimulating conversations and it was really nice to see students from other campuses and share our experiences as Freshmen. Being able to observe the projects of the 3rd seminar was also beneficial as it allows us to look forward to what is to come in our future seminar classes.


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