Robert Rauschenberg- MoMA

The Rauschenberg exhibit was our first Macaulay seminar trip, and it was a great experience in order to start off the seminar. The lecture on the artist and his work by Alexis was very helpful, and it gave us an introduction before viewing the art pieces in person. The overall atmosphere of the museum added to the allure of the pieces it inhabited.

I found it very interesting how the artist used simple materials, even things we found on the street to create art. Although not everyone accepted Rauschenberg’s work to be art, his vision and overall purpose of creating art that was not mainstream for the time is significantly important when observing his pieces. When viewing this exhibit I was reminded of how random art is, and how art can be created from literally anything, as long as you have the imagination to do so.

Rauschenberg’s nonconformity to typical art pieces also helped me recognize art does not have to fit a certain mold in order to be accepted.

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