Fall For Dance: Movement

Usually, when people try to communicate their thoughts and ideas, they use their words. However, the problem with doing this is that you don’t really pay attention to your surroundings. You spend all your time and energy on the words as opposed to the person actually speaking. That’s why when it comes to dance performances, silence is golden.

Throughout the entire performance, there were no words spoken from the cast. Instead, they used movement to tell their stories. The main body part the Miami City Ballet dancers moved was their legs. Most classical ballet dancers move their legs to help amplify the beauty and grace of the music accompanying their performance. Vincent Mantiose mainly swung his head around to help go along with his whistling and the bongos that were playing in the background. During the Trisha Brown Company’s performance, the two dancers primarily moved their arms, helping the audience realize that their dance was based off mirrors. When one dancer moved her right arm, the other would move her left in the same manner the first dancer did. Lastly, the performers from Dorrance Dance swung their arms to help go with the jazz music and singer. Thanks to all your comments when I read my piece aloud, I realized that another big body part the Dorrance Dance performers used was their legs. For the whole performance, they would swing their arms and simultaneously tap their feet. People say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but no one ever says that a gesture is worth a thousand pictures.

Look and Look Again

The piece of art I chose is The Road of the War Prisoners by Vasily Vereshchagin. The picture shows a barren snowy wasteland littered with dead bodies.  At first glance, the painting shows that war doesn’t discriminate. War doesn’t care about race, gender or ethnicity. War ravages everybody, as evident by the different body types buried in the rubble. However, at a deeper glance the picture represents the cycle of life. For example, there are birds on top of the pile of dead bodies. Birds tend to represent freedom in paintings. We aren’t bounded to the pain of the past and we need to overcome it in order to become free and truly live in the present. Life still goes on whether or not it may not seem like it. https://www.google.com/search?q=the+road+of+the+war+prisoners&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjHqvuX2MbWAhXlqlQKHessAm8Q_AUICigB&biw=1524&bih=957#imgrc=KRX9c6Ul8n-CPM: