‘Tis the Season: A Community Arts Paper

Large snowflakes illuminate every avenue and turnpike. Mistletoe and wreaths hang outside every shop. People decorate their homes with elegance and joy. The aroma of hot chocolate battles the searing cold air. These are just some of the sights of the holiday season that we are so privileged to experience and take part in every year. But the sight that makes this season a communal holiday season is the joy that is in the air. People are off from work, are going on vacation, taking advantages of the sales, or are most importantly relaxing and getting together with family and friends. People are out and about. This makes it a community art. There is art on the external for our eyes to see, but there’s also art in the internal during this season. People find joy in relaxing after a year’s worth of hard work. As they look forward to the new year, they spend time with those that are close to their heart. This time of the year is not limited to anyone, rather is open for everyone to take part in. This is why I chose this as a community art. What better an art than one that brings internal joy?

Although I don’t have any past relationships with the religious holidays traditionally celebrated in this season, the beauty of the holidays in present day is that I don’t need to have one in order to participate. To me, to take part in the holiday season is to be happy and appreciate life. The year is approaching the end, giving people time for introspection in order to set new and better hopes for the coming year, hence new year resolutions. We all have things that we are proud of and ones that we regret. The new year, in our minds, is a new start with the slate wiped clean. Thus, in the most basic element, the holiday season is one belonging to all humans. One can be working for an institution that causes him/her to live away from family, so for them the holidays might mean going on vacation to visit family back at home. One can be traveling to a new place alongside a loved one. One can be, again, simply gathering with those close by, free from the constraints of time. One can be celebrating the birth of Christ, or can be observing Hanukah. To me, there are no outsiders in this time of the year. The inclusiveness of the time is what makes it as joyful as it is.

My encounter with the holiday markets of this season was not a planned one, but one that, joyful nonetheless, occured prematurely. I was headed out of the Macaulay Honors College’s STEAM Festival and towards the trains at Columbus Circle when I saw masses of people crossing the street towards what appeared to be a holiday market. The market had encompassed the entirety of Columbus Circle and seemed to fit in perfectly with the neighboring Central Park. The market itself was delightful. Items varying from ceramics to chocolates were present. In just the first aisle of stalls, I saw lights, lamps, hot chocolate, scented candles, and skin products. There were also many clothing items, including sweaters, scarves, and mittens. The items were not items expected from the concept of a traditional holiday market that we have formed in our minds. I didn’t notice any Santa Claus hats or ugly Christmas sweaters. Rather I saw an Asian-style ceiling lights and lamps stall that made me feel like, for a brief instance, as if I were in Chinatown! As a result of such efforts of inclusiveness, the atmosphere was more open and accepting. I didn’t realize at the start, but the people next to me could have been from anywhere in the world. I overheard a group of people introducing themselves to another, with the former group coming on vacation to New York City from Alabama. Although my first thought of Alabama was Roy Moore, it was comforting to see people communicating with someone they wouldn’t normally communicate with. For me, this was the essence of the holiday season. People coming together in a spirit of humanity and mankind, common to us all, regardless of faith and culture.

Another aspect of the holiday market that intrigued me was the concept of the stalls. There weren’t any big companies or brands selling the products there. All the vendors appeared to be small businesses that specialized in the products that they bought to sell. How nice is that? Having lived in New York City my entire life, it’s heard to escape the big and recognizable brands and their logos. At the market, the small business vendors contributed to the essential atmosphere of the holiday season, an atmosphere of intimacy. The vendors specialized in the products they were selling. Knowing that, I had a greater appreciation for not only the product but for the small brands as well. I have yet to find better chocolate than Lindt and Godiva, with Lindt ranking above Godiva, but the chocolate at the market tasted surprisingly similar. The hot chocolate, also from an unrecognizable brand, was better than any I’ve gotten from Starbucks. This compelled me to think, was I eating the Godiva chocolate because I liked it or simply because of the brand?

As soon as I entered the market, the big sign with “Holiday” written largely across it stood out to me. Ironically, the next day I saw an interesting social media post of a friend at a holiday market in Birmingham, England. A striking difference stood out to me at once. Instead of “holiday” market, in the pictures of the post, I saw “Christmas” market written largely across the signs. This stuck with me, so I decided to look into it. To my surprise, New York City is the only place where the term “holiday” market is commonly used. Elsewhere, especially, Europe, “Christmas” market is the norm. England, a former cosmopolitan empire that colonized people of all cultures and races, I could see Christmas markets being the norm. With the monarch also being the head of the English Church, England is at its core, is a Christian country. However, I would think that a country largely responsible for the racial disparities we see today would now, in the twenty-first century, adopt a more inclusive approach. Birmingham, on my last visit, did not seem any less diverse than New York City. Yet, they say racial relations are better in the United Kingdom than in the United States. The difference lies in questioning. In this country, we have recently begun to question many things that were once of the norm. Take for example male predatory behavior. At one time, it would be shrugged off as just men being men. Now, thankfully, we feel the courage to speak out and deliver consequences for such behavior. The same theory applies to the statues of the Confederates down in the south. Now, many things that were once in denial and in the back of our minds, are now in our conscience. Isn’t it better to question the norm rather than blindly accept it for being the norm. By doing so can we even attempt to go near equality and build a common culture of inclusiveness, which I belive holiday markets are an example of and are even setting the bedrock for.

The claims of President Donald Trump in regards to the term “Happy Holidays” are an example of something the holiday season does not stand for. President Trump campaigned on and even today in his rallies, searingly cries to reconstitute the phrase “Merry Christmas” in place of “Happy Holidays.” I even once heard the following: “We will take back Christmas.” If people are finally recognizing that Christmas is not the only holiday of the season, then why would that be seen as something unlawful or wrong? There is Christmas, but also Hanukah, Kwanzaa, and several other micro-cultural holidays. Then there’s the New Years holiday, a secular holiday that is celebrated by the majority of the world. The fact that “Happy Holidays” is seen as inapplicable clearly denotes a racist and xenophobic ideology underlying President Trump’s claims. This would be something that I would want to delve into. It would be interesting to ask people visiting the holiday markets their opinion on this topic. Since the people visiting come from all over the world, I’m interested to know what types of comments I would receive. And although some perceive this topic as divisive and not appropriate for the holiday spirit, it would be an important conversation to have. Are we heading towards cultural inclusivity, or xenophobia? Being at the holiday markets in New York City definitely felt like the former. Seeing people from all over the country, the world even, collectively interacting and appreciating intimate and cosmopolitan items spoke to the essence of the holiday season. This is a season of unity, and whether it be just for a brief moment, we all get to breathe in the air of joy.

STEAM Festival

I went into the STEAM festival pretty terrified. Being someone who doesn’t particularly enjoy presentations, I was afraid of how people would perceive our project. Though I loved what we made, I couldn’t help but feel intimidated by being in the same room with Seminar 3 students. However, once I got there, I was offered cookies- and cookies are always a good start to anything. I also immediately was to go to the Maker’s Space. Though I didn’t know what to do right away, I eventually made a button, and had fun doing it. I thought that was a great addition to the festival as a whole, just as another activity aside from seeing projects. When it came to seeing the projects themselves, it was interesting to see the variety of topics the Seminar 3 students had, as well as the other Seminar 1 projects. I enjoyed the sense of freedom we had to just go and see other projects, not for a grade but just out of interest. I also thought it took responsibility to switch with my group members between explaining our own project and going to see others, which felt good to have. Overall, it was a great experience, and went by far quicker than I thought it would. I liked meeting people from different years as well as different campuses, alongside becoming more comfortable with presenting as time went on.

Rubin Museum

The Rubin Museum wasn’t like any other I have ever been to. Based on my previous experience with museums, most of them haven’t been very interactive experiences. In the Rubin, however, we were able to do a lot more listening than we often do talking. Pressing our ears to benches to hear words from the Book of the Dead and sitting in a room of various ohms were just two of the activities we got to do there. Not to mention that a simple video they had playing made me think about how the world, quite literally, is sound. Space, being a realm of complete silence, makes Earth a mass of noise. What I took away from the Rubin, however, is that noise doesn’t necessarily have to be raucous. Noise can have significance, noise can be beautiful chaos. The sound of several ohms being heard at different pitches and lengths may seem chaotic, but altogether sounded almost calming. It was a wonderful experience learning not only about Buddhism, but about what we hear all around us everyday. It made me appreciate everything from the sounds around me, to the sound silence itself can make.

Community Arts Project


Holidays are an integral part of Judaism. Holidays in Judaism are times when family’s come together, busy fathers and mothers turn off their phones detach themselves from the outside world and focus on their children. Children put away their textbooks and IPads and become a part of the family again. Holidays are a time to transcend this materialistic earth and join into the realm of spiritualism. Of the 7 major Jewish Holidays, five are from the bible and two were established by the Rabbis. The three Holidays are comprised of: Sukkot (The one with the huts and Myrtle branches), Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Passover, and Shavuot. On the five biblical Holidays, we are not permitted to work which means no: TV, cellphones, driving, writing, using laptops, turning on and off lights, cooking and baking, and countless other restrictions.

I choose Holidays as my topic to investigate in my community arts project, since it plays a huge part in my life. I am Jewish, I am orthodox, and I am practicing. Holidays are the things that I look forward to most. I love when my family comes together, detaches from the outside world, and connect to each other. Each Holiday comes with its own sets of rules and rituals. Each ritual is an art form passed from generation to generation. One Holiday that has a particular set of rituals that take the art from the residential to the community is, Hanukah.


Hanukah is an 8-day Holiday in which the main ritual is the lighting of a 9-candle candelabra called a “Chanukiah”. The “Chanukiah” must be lit in a part of your house that can be seen from the street. When you drive through a Jewish neighborhood you are greeted by beautiful bright “Chanukiah” in the windows of all the homes. The resulting light that is cast from each house creates a masterpiece for the world to see.


As an insider in the light of the Chanukah Holiday, I decided to focus my project on it.  Ever since I can remember during the cold, dark winter months of December for 8 days the nights are illuminated. I have always taken for granted the fact that all communities are fortunate to have Chanukiah, since the people in my predominantly Jewish community have Chanukiah proudly displayed in their windows. After discussing with some of my peers I realized that many people had never seen a Chanukiah and those that had did not know the meaning behind the Chanukiah.


I read Hebrew texts on the history of Chanukah, to further expand my knowledge of the luminous Holiday. I discovered many aspects of the ancient Holiday that were previously unknown to me. I researched communities (using google) that had Chanukiah displayed in public. And I found out how some people who do not identify as “orthodox Jews” celebrated Chanukah. The biggest and coolest thing that I learned from this Project is the fact that the world’s largest public lighting of a Chanukiah occurs right here in NYC in central park.


Through my research I discovered that Chabad (a Hassidic sect of Judaism) lights Chanukiah in public places all across the globe. Some of these Chanukiah are on gondolas and some are made entirely of ice. The Chanukiah does not just light up Flatbush NY, but rather the entire globe. I discovered that not all Jews place candles or wicks in oil in their Chanukiah (as I saw in my community) but rather some people light electric menorahs where they turn on a switch to ignite their Chanukiah. I discovered the versatility and elections of Chanukah.


Chanukah to me has always been a Holiday with clear-cut rituals. In my family, we light 1 candle for each night of Chanukah (1st night 1, second night 2, third night 3… and so on). We only use specific kinds of “fire”, and are super meticulous that every man and unmarried woman lights their own Chanukiah. My friends and my family all had the same customs and rituals and thereby the same art form. After completing this project, I have come to realize that my previous small community comprised of Orthodox Jewish people has grown much larger. It now includes Jews from all different denominations and from all across the globe.


The Holiday of Chanukah is a Holiday of Light. The Conservative Jew “lighting” their electric Chanukiah spreads the same light that me and my orthodox Jewish community spreads. We are all one nation and all one community, connected by our faith and ritual. There is no Orthodox and “non-orthodox” there is only Chanukah. This new understanding of “one community” has allowed me to see all forms of Judaism as magnificent. I have realized that I too am eclectic and have a myriad of talents, and like a precious gem, all I need is a little light to make my colors shine bright.


This project was completed before December 12 which is when Chanukah started this year. I would have loved to survey a few different locations in NYC and observe the amount and variety of Chanukiah present. But sadly, since Chanukah didn’t start until after this project was completed I was forced to rely on internet research. Most of all I wish that I Would have been able to fly across the globe to a few different global locations to survey the amount and kinds of Chanukiah there. Even though these steps were not able to be performed before my community arts presentation. Over the past few days (December 12-19) I have gone with my family to a few neighborhoods in NYC and observed the Chanukiah there.


This project has taught me to be aware of the art in my community. I have learned to look around me at all times and observe the art. Now are the days of Chanukah and every time I look around me, I am greeted by art. This art has elevated Chanukah from an 8 day celebration, to 8 days of incredible art. What I am most grateful for having learned from this project is that, we all have light, we just express it in different ways.




The Rubin Museum

What fascinated me the most about the Rubin Museum was the fact that it was not a typical museum with just art exhibits. One particular aspect of the museum is the focus on the World Is Sound. The exhibition illustrates what is heard rather than what is written or seen. It also emphasizes the message of the power in listening and sound. Two places that stood out to me in the World Is Sound were the room of “Oms” and the centerpiece of the museum which is the staircase. A common theme between the two places is the sound coming from all around and not from just one area. The sound waves were panoramic in that I saw the direction of sound in a sweeping pose. The first thing that was pointed out to us in the museum was the staircase. The staircase was the prominent piece of the museum. It displayed an alluring illusion of artwork. In the room of ‘Oms,” the “Oms” included different tones and texture of voices. Overall, I underestimated the aesthetic value of sound until I went to this museum.


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STEAM Festival

STEAM Festival

The Macaulay Steam festival was an amazing opportunity to look at the work that other Macaulay I Seminar students were doing. It was so nice to see how everyone interpreted work and I felt like our work was extremely special since it stemmed from the ideas of Chorus of Stones. Some of the students had videos, others had posters and the rest had accordion books. Each one was special and demonstrated the student’s hard work.

It was also an amazing opportunity to see what we will have to do in the future (Macaulay Seminar III).  As I walked around, I noticed how much work the students put into their poster. Their projects were a lot more research oriented than our artsy projects.

The workshop area where students were allowed to create buttons or magnets provided them with an artistic outlet. It was nice because everything was provided and it was very independent. The cookies and coffee made sure everyone had enough energy to walk around and look at everyone else’s work.

The only flaw with the Steam Festival was that it was very unorganized.  Even though it was a mandatory event, there was no way to tell whether people actually came. There was no form of attendance and students were allowed to leave whenever they wanted.

Nonetheless, the Steam Festival provided students with an amazing opportunity to bond with students across campuses. I saw people that I had met during Macaulay events over the summer for the first time since then.

-Noshin Choudhury