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These two days were rather interesting days, even though they don’t have photos to go with them.

Monday was a rather intense day of preparation for our final film project for my class. We spent the day doing a lot of research, running around, and camera and sound workshops. I required a lot of paperwork and a lot of insanity.

Tuesday was our shoot. We left campus and headed to Camden early morning to shoot the vox pops interviews about “Real Life Superheroes” at Megacity Comics. It was crazy. To begin with, I didn’t fully understand the idea behind the documentary until we were half way through editing it. The shoot went well enough considering the second place we were going to shoot, (ironically enough, Forbidden Planet at Shaftesbury Ave) revoked the permission they granted us because the people tending the shop switched shifts, and the new folks weren’t happy with us filming there.

Tuesday night our program organized a trip to the globe theater to see Henry IV, part I, which (I heard) was an excellent play. The school ran out of pre-ordered tickets when we got there to pick them up. They advised us to go directly to the Globe to buy them, but when we got there, all the tickets were sold out. We walked around instead and explored. I was pretty bummed about not being able to watch the play, but we ordered tickets for the Friday showing of Henry VIII instead. We hope to get to see parts I and II of Henry IV the last week we are here.

Onwards to the rest of the awesome week 🙂

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