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Once again we were on the bus by 9:00. This time I barely made it. I couldn’t get myself up in the morning. I couldn’t get something comfortable to wear because the weather looked cold, misty and rainy, and my last pair of jeans fell into a puddle left near the shower in the bathroom as I tried to get my bleary-eyed self into the shower. So I put on a skirt, grabbed two sweaters and headed out.

It was beautifully misty out…just enough to wake me up enough to walk to the bus.

I love that weather, and it was a great day for that weather, since it gave the day a mysterious and magical feel. We were in and out of sleep on the long bus ride from London to Brighton. when we were awake, we had funny conversations about different things. We finally arrived there (it was almost 11:30) and they set us off free in Brighton. We immediately headed for the beach, which we discovered was made up of small pebbles. It was amazing! They were different colors, and really pretty. The mist on the water and on the shore was like the opening to a billion fairy books and fantasy stories I read as a kid. We walked around and took some pictures and then headed to the pier/boardwalk to explore. The pier was cool. We saw the world-famous arcade and the amusement park rides at the end of the pier. One of our group members decided she was hungry, so we stopped and went to find a place to eat lunch. We found an amazing fish and chips place. It was really really delicious.

Really and truly. After lunch, tried to think of what we wanted to do. We ultimately decided that after the stressful end to classes, we wanted to have a day of relaxation and enjoying the time we had left in England, so we headed back to the beach. Some of us decided to go to the water, so we took off our shoes and socks, and attempted to walk the little way across to the water. Walking on the rocks was a really interesting sensation. It kind of tickled and hurt at the same time. It was particularly difficult to walk down the last slope of the pebbly shore before the water. The pebbles there were wet from the splash of the waves, so they were slippers, and the slope was steep. We finally reached the water. The first wave was cold, but the rest were surprisingly comfortable. It didn’t feel cold at all by the second wave, just really comfortable. The biggest difficulty for me was trying to keep my footing. Every wave moved around the pebbles and made me slip further down the slope. The water splashed and wet us. After a little while, we turned back and attempted to climb our way up the slope, which was actually harder to do. We scrambled up back to where everyone else sat and then lay down on the rocks to wait for our clothes to dry. We played mad libs on the beach, and just as people began to fall asleep, the sun suddenly came out, sweeping away the clouds and melting the mist. It was such an impressive sight. The rest of the afternoon was bright sunshine. What a huge difference!

We stayed sprawled out on the beach for a while, then we headed back to the pier. We ended up buying milkshakes at “Moo Moo’s” who’s advertisement “Brighton up your day” made it irresistible. We wandered about, and as the clock approached 5, we made our way back to the bus.

We got back, I changed my clothes, and then we headed out for dinner and to visit Platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross Station. It was great to visit. I realized after the fact that it was July 31st, or the birthday of Harry Potter, and the wonderful author of the series, J.K. Rowling. It was a pleasant way to spend the day. We ended up having Pizza Express for dinner, and then we headed back to the dorms.

we went back to my friend’s room for another movie night. We ended up watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, which was a really funny film. We enjoyed it a lot.

And so ended our wonderful Saturday 🙂

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