The NYC Initiative

NYC being destroyed as Loci and his army wreak havoc42nd Street ExplosionI don’t know about you, but I find it fascinating that nearly every superhero movie I watch takes place in New York City. Of course, New York City is known to be the home of many action movies because of its fast-pace aura and it’s “sleeplessness.” But, I think there’s more to that. I believe that The Avengers film franchise is a great example of the representation that New York City (especially midtown) holds on the country and on the world. You may be worrying why I’m using The Avengers… Well, my initial response would honestly be, “Why not?” My second reason is that I believe The Avengers are meant to be a representation of the diversity of New York and how this makes the City the center of resilience. And the third is simply because I am obsessed with all things Avengers!

Hawkeye by Grand Central Station

Hawkeye by Grand Central Station

Now, don’t you think it’s rather funny that New York is always getting blown up over and over again in movies such as, Iron Man (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), and the The Incredible Hulk (2008)? Besides all of them being part of The Avengers franchise, they all have one thing in common, they are all mostly set in midtown Manhattan! Why is that? Many people would just say “Because it’s New York City!” Well, yes, I find that to be a valid enough response. But, what it is about New York City that makes it the center of apocalyptic events that occur in these movies?Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow

Captain America and Thor

Captain America and Thor well... Being Captain America and Thor!

New York City is known to be a city that is ethnically diverse and socially tolerant and holds great pride in the fact. The entire United States is known to be a “melting pot” of all kinds of people from all over the world. However, I would argue that without New York City, we would not be able to keep the title of being a “melting pot.” On every corner, you find tens and tens of different ethnicities and people from all over the world. What does this have to do with The Avengers? I think New York’s “reputation” is what makes it the center of these films because it almost seems like New York City is the center of the world. Now, I know that sounds extremely biased (I am a Native New Yorker and have lived here all of my life), but we can’t get away from that. Sorry! However, bias aside, it really does make a lot of sense.

Iron ManEven when Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) deals with terrorist groups in other countries, the problem always ends up back in midtown Manhattan right by the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building. Captain Steve Rogers also known as Captain America (Chris Evans) is introduced into the military when he becomes a laboratory experiment in the 1940s during World War II grew up in Brooklyn and makes it very clear that it defined him and made him who he was. Both of these Avengers represent the Natives that welcome foreigners and help keep New York City what it is, a place where different kinds of people can come and live together and fight together when it comes down to it.

Loci (Thor's brother)from Asgard- Alien Menace

Tony Stark, Captain America, Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Dr. Bruce Banner/Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) all are representations of New York City and how its diversity makes it resilient and capable of being blown up and remade. The Avengers Initiative is not only about keeping peace on earth, it’s about keeping peace in New York City. So, the next time there’s the world comes near to an apocalyptic end, make sure to see if New York City was hit first. Maybe you’ll even see The Avengers saving the planet on the Empire State Building or maybe even the Statue of Liberty. If not, just call out, like Captain America would say… Avengers Assemble!


Avengers Assemble~Caitlin Corona

Here’s an interesting article about how much it would cost to actually rebuild New York if it was destroyed by Loci and his army, and the damage the Avengers caused! Enjoy!

Hulk Smash! How Much Damage Would The Avengers do to New York?