The Environmental Protection Agency held a single hearing on the policy reversal regarding coal and climate change. The hearing was held in Charleston, Virginia, a state heavily dependent on coal mining. Concerns were heard from both sides. While many want to impose regulations on coal consumption, others are concerned about the jobs and revenue that would be cut down too. The Clean Power Plan was established by President Obama to reduce CO2 emission from power plants by decreasing usage of fossil fuels such as coal. However, the plan never took effect due to lawsuits from conservative states and coal companies. Coal companies such as Murray Energy Corp said that the plan was “an illegal power grab that has cost miners their jobs.” Along with these coal companies, President Trump and EPA head appointee Scott Pruitt blamed the regulations on coal and petroleum companies for the loss of jobs and negative economic impacts. However, energy analysts say the loss of revenue is due to the competition of coal with more natural gases.

On the other hand, despite Virginia being the heart of coal mining, most meeting attendees were in favor of fossil fuel regulations. They want to promote a better, cleaner world for the future of their children. Which comes to show that the main thing standing in the way of passing plans to reach these goals of a cleaner environment is money and economical claims.



Biesecker | AP, John Raby and Michael. “EPA Hears Worries about Climate in Heart of Coal Country.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 28 Nov. 2017,

“Complying with President Trump’s Executive Order on Energy Independence.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 26 Oct. 2017,