Professor Wayne Powell - Brooklyn College

Author: annalissathomas

New Jersey Seeks Stricter Limit on Chemical in Drinking Water

By: Annalissa Thomas

Hazardous chemicals used to be found in common consumer products, however many efforts were made to fix that, and now almost all consumer products are fine. It has been found, however, that these hazardous chemicals are present in drinking water. New Jersey has some of the highest concentration of these chemicals, so it’s taking the lead in controlling this risk (Hurdle). The class of chemicals that are present in the drinking water is called perfluorinated chemicals, and it has been linked to cancer, high cholesterol, and developmental problems in young children. This has prompted the United States Environmental Protection Agency to take action and issue a health advisory. Certain states have taken matters into their own hands, however, and have begun imposing their own restrictions – one state being New Jersey, as risk is highest there. A panel of scientists has imposed strict limits on perflurooctane sulfonate. This chemical has health effects that may include low birth weight in infants, kidney and testicular cancer, liver damage, etc. This action was necessary in order to mitigate the effects this class of chemicals is having.

Issuing policies and orders when it comes to hazardous chemicals is essential, as people need to be informed and aware of what is inside the products they are consuming. The vast majority of individuals do not know what is even in the things they are consuming, so these actions by those who do in fact know about the hazardous chemicals are very important.


“Health Effects of PFAS.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 30 Aug. 2016,

Hurdle, Jon. “New Jersey Seeks Stricter Limit on Chemical in Drinking Water.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 6 Dec. 2017,®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=10&pgtype=sectionfront.



Forests are the Key to Fresh Water

By: Annalissa Thomas

The many changes that are occurring in ground vegetation has a tremendous impact on global water resources. Urbanizing land and converting forests for alternate uses effect our water regimes, and as a result entire watersheds are effected. A watershed drains water into specific bodies of water, and they consist of networks of rivers, streams, and lakes (“Watersheds”). Forests are crucial to our water resources, so as forests are destroyed, so are watersheds. This article talks about how bringing attention to this fact is essential to prevent further damage from occurring. The recognition of the importance of vegetation needs to occur. Additionally, forest vegetation is a key indicator of the health of our water sources, so attention should be brought to this matter and actions should be taken. Vegetation has an important impact on waterways as it contributes to the balance of oxygen, nutrients, and sediment. Vegetation absorbs nutrients from water flowing into a waterway, slowing the flow of water, which allows sediment and pollution to deposit in the fringing zone, reducing sedimentation and pollution of the waterway (Western).

The article brings up how about 21% of the global population depends on forests for their water supply, so the destruction of these forests would affect a vast number of people. The conversion and destruction of forests and vegetation can increase chances of drought, especially in places where water supply is already scarce. Many may not realize the effect that forests have on our water, so it is important to bring attention to this matter because by knowing this information we are equipped with a tangible way to help the issue, and that is to stop the conversion and destruction of forests and vegetation.


Works Cited:

University of British Columbia Okanagan campus. “Forests are the key to fresh water: Both forest vegetation and climate change have an impact on water supply.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 December 2017. <>.

“Watersheds.” Watersheds,

Western Australian Government, Department of Water. “Aquatic and Riparian Vegetation.”Western Australian Government, Department of Water, Western Australian Government, Department of Water,

Delhi, Blanketed in Toxic Haze, ‘Has Become a Gas Chamber’

By: Annalissa Thomas

This article discusses the rising toxic haze problem occurring in New Delhi. The problem is becoming so big that people’s health is being severely affected. This thick fog that was present in Delhi comes around every year, primarily from vehicle emissions and smoke from the burning of crops, however in recent years the problem has seemed to worsen. Dangerous air particles were present in certain parts of the city, and it’s a problem because prolonged exposures to these particles is equivalent to smoking over two packs of cigarettes a day. Leaders are trying to mitigate the problem by banning the selling of firecrackers but a major part of the issue comes from the burning of crops. They asked neighboring states to reduce the burning of agricultural fires but nothing has been done. The fires and car exhaust increase the pollution levels extensively – so much so that it is considered to be in the “severe” category.

This is a problem that needs a lot of attention because it is affecting the health of individuals who live there. Their lungs appear as though the individuals are heavy smokers when in fact they are not. In order to help this issue the government has suggested an alternate-day use of private cars, and having helicopters sprinkle water to help clear the air (Kumar). Schools are also effected and close down certain days because of such high levels of pollution. These efforts to help the situation haven’t been effective, and they are only to mitigate the effects, not to eradicate them, so solutions to get rid of the problem all together should be thought of.



Kumar, Hari. “Delhi, Blanketed in Toxic Haze, ‘Has Become a Gas Chamber.’” The New York Times, The New York Times, 7 Nov. 2017,®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront.



Ice Sheets May Melt Rapidly In Response to Distant Volcanoes

By: Annalissa Thomas

This article talks about the effect that volcanic eruptions have on ice sheets. The eruptions do not have to be around or near the ice sheet for this to occur; the ash from the eruption travels and once it settles on an ice sheet, it blackens the sheet, which makes the ice absorb more solar heat. Scientists found this occurring as a result ancient volcanic eruptions, and they want to bring attention to this matter and have people understand that there is a link between the two events. The article talks about how “ash deposition would remove between 20 centimeters and almost one meter of ice from the surface of the highest parts of the ice sheet” (The Earth). These findings make that link clear.

This issue matters because ice sheets today are extremely vulnerable to volcanic eruptions, and the melting of ice sheets can have various effects. It can lead to extreme difficulties for land animals, but it can also lead to more marine life. Algae and bacteria can evolve in these melted ponds and provides food for marine animals. (Shivali). And nutrients enter the pond and allow the algae and microorganisms to flourish. Additionally, when the ice melts, light can enter the water, allowing the algae to grow. Wind can also reach the water since the ice is melted, which mixes the nutrients that are deep down in the water (Shivali). Melting ice sheets do in fact have an effect on the environment, and people should be on the lookout for the long lasting effects volcanic eruptions can have.


Shivali. “The Surprising Benefit of Melting Sea Ice in the Arctic: Pools of Water May Help Marine Life to Flourish.” Daily Mail Online, Associated Newspapers, 3 Apr. 2017,

The Earth Institute at Columbia University. “Ice sheets may melt rapidly in response to distant volcanoes: Study of ancient eruptions shows modern ice sheets could be vulnerable.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 October 2017. <>.

A Sea of Health and Environmental Hazards in Houston’s Floodwaters

By: Annalissa Thomas

Tabuchi, Hiroko, and Sheila Kaplan. “A Sea of Health and Environmental Hazards in Houston’s Floodwaters.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 31 Aug. 2017,®ion=TrendingTop&pgtype=collection.

This article talks about how the floodwaters that resulted from Hurricane Harvey were completely contaminated and filled with hazardous chemicals, sewage, debris and waste materials. Even though the drinking water system and sewage system were intact, thousands of people in Texas depend on private wells, and that is where the problem comes in. Additionally, Houston is at the center of the nation’s oil and chemical industry, so damaged facilities have released more than 200 pounds of hazardous substances into the air due to the hurricane (Tabuchi). There are numerous environmental threats that need to be faced, and they need to be faced before catastrophic events like this occur and leak hazardous chemicals into the air.

Flooding is known to bring the danger of contamination and disease into communities, however not many people worry about this because “the epidemics from floods in the United States have been rare” (Tabuchi). But this indifference can cause many issues, because actions are not taken to prevent contamination in the case that a flood does occur, as it just did in Texas. Suggestions to fight the effects of the contamination have been made, such as scrubbing everything in the home that the floodwaters touched, encouraging children not to play in the floodwaters, and immediately washing any part of your body that came in contact with the floodwaters (Christensen). In addition to focusing on how to mitigate the effects of the hurricane, though, efforts should be made in focusing on how to fix the environment so contamination isn’t even an option. For example, the sewer systems have had a history of overflow, and the hurricane increased that overflow which contributed to contamination, so efforts should be made to fix the sewer systems. Being cognizant of issues before natural disaster strikes is extremely important because it can increase the chances of avoiding the multitude of negative effects of the disaster.


Additional source:

Christensen, Jen. “The Hidden Health Dangers of Flooding.” CNN, Cable News Network, 31 Aug. 2017,