Celebrate American Diversity

For many of us in the Queens College community, the July 4th holiday offers an opportunity to consider how we can contribute to the work necessary to fulfill our nation’s founding principles. In her introduction to the 1619 project, Nikole Hannah-Jones reflects on her family’s patriotism and asserts that America wasn’t a democracy until black Americans made it one.

A number of fellowships affirm and celebrate the diversity of the United States and value a commitment to social justice. For example, the Paul and Daisy Soros Scholarship for New Americans values the contributions of immigrants to the United States by providing generous funding for graduate study to immigrants and children of immigrants. The foundation is hosting a number of webinars for students in particular fields which will provide an overview of the award, discuss the application process, and feature previous fellows in those fields. Registration in advance is required but if you cannot attend, you can view a recent webinar here.

The FAO Schwarz Fellowship allows recent graduates to combat inequity by combining direct service with policy work in under-served communities. The foundation is hosting a webinar on the application process and the openings they expect to have in 2021. Please visit the foundation’s website and register for the July 15th webinar to learn more. Dr. Egan is available to work with you on your applications, so please contact the Fellowships office with questions or for assistance.

Upcoming Soros Webinars:

  • Applicants in Architecture, Writing, Arts, & Music – July 8 at 3 pm ET – Register here
  • Re-Applicants – July 9 at 1 pm ET – Register here
  • Applicants in Policy & Law – July 14 at 11 am ET – Register here
  • Community College Graduates – July 16 at 8 pm ET – Register here
  • Veterans & Active Military – July 21 at 12 pm ET – Register here
  • Undocumented & DACA Recipient Applicants, Co-Hosted with My Undocumented Life – July 25 at 1 pm ET – Register here
  • Applicants going into MBAs – July 29 at 10 am ET – Register here
  • Applicants Pursuing PhDs in the Humanities & Social Sciences – August 4 at 3 pm ET – Register here
  • Applicants Pursuing Medicine and/or Biomedical Sciences – August 5 at 1 pm ET – Register here
  • Applicants in STEM – August 13 at 1 pm ET – Register here
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Webinar: Human Rights and Representation in International Affairs During Unprecedented Times (6/17/20)

If you’re considering a career in international affairs or if recent events have prompted you to think about how your commitment to justice might infuse policy work, you might be interested in registering for the following webinar, taking place on June 17th.  Remember that the Fellowships office is available to assist with applications that would further your interests.

Please join APSIA and PPIA for

Human Rights and Representation in International Affairs During Unprecedented Times

Wed, June 17, 2020

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM EDT

Recent events clearly demonstrate the significant impact of global issues and policy choices on communities. Join the Public Policy and International Affairs Program (PPIA) and the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) for a conversation about why it is critically important for those most affected by current events to study international affairs and policy.

To register, please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/human-rights-and-representation-in-intl-affairs-during-unprecedented-times-tickets-108992688064

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Celebrate Asian Heritage

Recent observances of Asian Heritage month, including the PBS documentary series Asian Americans, and this celebration of the class of 2020 from APIA Scholars offer us rich material for reflection.  Queens College provides many ways to explore the contributions of Asians and Asian-Americans to our local and global community including a discussion moderated by our president-designate.

If this period of sheltering in place has allowed you to reflect on your sense of community, you might think about how your Asian heritage shapes your interests and future plans.  Maybe you want to improve your language skills through a class here or, once travel restrictions are lifted, through a study abroad program.  You could also get involved with a student organization, such as our Japanese Culture Club.  We are very fortunate to have our Asian/American Center, which offers leadership programs and scholarships.  In addition, Queens College is a partner institution with APIA Scholars, which has provided generous funding to many QC students.  If the shut-down has allowed you to learn more about your family’s story of migration, your reflection on being a new American would be useful in a Soros Scholarship essay.  The QC Fellowships Office is available to help you identify appropriate funding opportunities and to work with you throughout the application process, including on drafts of required essays.  Please feel free to be in touch and check this blog for fellowship updates including announcements of information sessions like this one which we are happy to pass along from the QC library.

We invite you to join us on Wednesday, June 17 at 4 pm for “Model Minority vs. Covid-19,” an online discussion on Asians in America, racism, and higher education: https://qc-cuny.libcal.com/event/6768945. We will focus on the current higher educational experience for Asians in America, who are facing the continuously evolving challenge of racism. We will also discuss how Asians in America can provide ally-ship and solidarity to other groups that are experiencing racial oppression.

This event will be moderated by Queens College President-designate Frank Wu, and broadcast via Facebook Live on Queens Memory’s main Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/631852060751716/.

Sponsored by the Queens Memory COVID-19 Project of Queens College and Queens Public Library, the Asian/American Center at Queens College, and the Asian American/ Asian Research Institute – CUNY.

For more information, please contact Annie Tummino, Head of Special Collections and Archives, at annie.tummino@qc.cuny.edu.


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UK Grad School Fair

The fellowships office has been working with a number of students interested in studying in the UK, so we are very pleased to let the QC community know about a virtual graduate school fair taking place on June 22nd. You’ll be able to talk with representatives from many UK institutions and to attend sessions about funding opportunities and student life in the UK, among other topics. You can learn more and register at https://www.findamasters.com/events/virtual-fairs/postgradlive/.  Check out our previous blog post on studying in the UK and contact qcfellowships@qc.cuny.edu if you have questions.

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Information Session: UK Fellowships

Continuing our series of information sessions on funding graduate school, here is a video about opportunities that support study and research in the UK and Ireland.  This is an overview of several awards, and we plan to offer a more detailed, interactive information session soon.

We would appreciate your filling out our virtual “sign-in sheet” which you can find here.  This will allow us to send you additional information and to incorporate your questions and suggestions in our longer UK funding presentation and other information sessions.


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Celebrate Disability Awareness

Here at the end of April, the month when CUNY celebrates disability awareness, it seems particularly appropriate to highlight related events, fellowships, and some sad news. Back in February, a group of CUNY students, faculty, and staff travelled to Albany to lobby for increased funds for disability access to higher education. It was a wonderful day, filled with community spirit and disability pride, celebrations of student achievement and the chance to let our legislators know how important access to higher education is. Following our advocacy day, members of Queens College’s Committee For Disabled Students helped organize a letter writing campaign to urge legislators to support the budget request for increased funding for disability access.

Scholarships and fellowships are another important way to support your education and celebrate your identity as a person with a disability. Many awards are intended to assist under-represented students financially and by providing mentoring and other professional development opportunities. Selection committees are interested in getting to know the person behind the transcript. What are your challenges and triumphs? How do you contribute to your neighborhood, college or identity community? Check out other posts in this blog on specific opportunities and email the Fellowships Office at qcfellowships@qc.cuny.edu for advice on your applications.

This month, we lost a committed public servant and disability rights pioneer. An immigrant to the United States, Avraham Rabby was the first blind United States Foreign Service Officer. Despite passing written and oral exams several times, Mr. Rabby was kept from serving by misperceptions of blindness. In a landmark case for the civil rights and employment of people with disabilities, he was granted reasonable accommodations to do the job for which he was well-qualified and took up his first post in the early days of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Mr. Rabby’s persistence in the face of significant opposition increased opportunities for others and helped change perceptions of people with disabilities. Responding to the claim that a diplomat had to see nonverbal reactions during negotiations, Mr. Rabby told The New York Times that “no international treaty has ever been decided on the basis of a wink or a nod”. As you can read about in previous posts, there are several awards designed to celebrate the diversity of the United states and to welcome a breadth of backgrounds and experiences into the Foreign Service.

Perhaps these days of sheltering in place can allow you to reflect on your various identities. How is your membership in the disability community a source of strength and pride? What new ways of doing things have you developed as a result of your disability? How do you mentor others? How does your disability identity intersect with your cultural, racial, gender or religious identities? As you think about how you’d like to tell your story in fellowship statements, you might enjoy hearing how others with disabilities tell theirs. Maysoon Zayid uses humor to convey the challenges of being a Muslim woman with cerebral palsy. Daniel Kish points out that fear of blindness is more limiting than blindness itself. Judith Heumann recounts the history of the disability rights movement, celebrating how far we have come and calling for the work still to be done. Itzhak Perlman offers advice for coping with the Covid-19 pandemic based in part on his experience of polio.

What about you? What are your dreams and plans? The Fellowships Office is one of the many resources at Queens College that can help you achieve them; we’d love to accompany you on your journey.


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Information Session: Fellowship for New Americans

The Paul and Daisy Soros Foundation offers immigrants to the United States and children of U.S. immigrants generous funding for graduate study as well as mentoring and other professional development opportunities. Please join the QC Fellowships Office for an information session on this wonderful opportunity.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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Information Session: STEM Research Opportunities (Recording)

We hope everyone is doing well! Here is the recorded info session on STEM research opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students.



In lieu of the sign-in sheet we usually pass around during these information sessions, we have a “virtual” one which you can access here: https://forms.gle/ypxDW5vayAdPpekG7.

By signing in, not only can we keep track of how many students have “attended,” but we can also send you followup emails with the links to the opportunities, and alert you to any important updates on relevant opportunities and upcoming info sessions. If you have any difficulty accessing or filling out this form, please email qcfellowships@qc.cuny.edu for assistance.

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Information Session: Careers in U.S. Foreign Service – April 6th (Recording)

On April 6th, the Queens College Fellowships Office hosted a virtual information session on opportunities for students interested in careers in the U.S. Foreign Service.  We were joined by representatives from several programs that fund graduate study in relevant fields and provide internships and other professional development.  We were also very fortunate that a QC alumnus who won several major awards while at QC and is currently in the Foreign Service after receiving a Rangel fellowship was also able to join the presentation.  All of our participants generously shared their expertise on fellowships and the range of careers possible in the foreign Service.  You can view and download a recording of the session here and check out these very helpful resources from our guests.

13 Dimensions of the State Department: https://careers.state.gov/work/foreign-service/officer/13-dimensions/

American Foreign Service Association, Foreign Service Blog: http://afsa.org/foreign-service-blogs

Information on Medical Clearances: https://www.state.gov/popular-topics-medical-clearances

Information on Security Clearances: https://www.state.gov/security-clearances

You can also contact our office at qcfellowships@qc.cuny if you have questions or to arrange to discuss your plans to apply for any of these wonderful opportunities.

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Information Session: U.S. Fulbright Student Program – April 1st (Recording)

In case you were not able to attend the Fulbright information session on April 1st with Lee Rivers, you can now view the recorded session here.



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