Category Archives: March

March posts

I’m tired of Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg has been mayor of New York for like 30 years now… at least that’s what it feels like! Ever since I was asked to remember who the mayor of our city was, it’s been Bloomberg. When will he … Continue reading

Posted in March 6, Sylvia Zaki | Leave a comment

My Controversial Socialist Tendencies…

obviously put me in a position where you’re expecting me to say that the historical background behind Bloomberg’s mayorship is completely illogical and inappropriate.  You would expect me to say that being a CEO does not make you a politician … Continue reading

Posted in March 6, Zohar Bachiry | Leave a comment

Bloomberg O’ Bloomberg

Mayor (CEO) Michael Bloomberg is a smart man. He took his plunge into the political ring in a time of need for guidance. After 9/11, NY needed a man like Bloomberg. Charismatic, smart, and a symbol of success and perseverance, … Continue reading

Posted in March 6 | Leave a comment

Bloomberg: from businessman, to business, man.

Ttulo alternativo: ¿Quién es el alcalde? ¿Ejecutivo o político? The first chapter of Bloomberg’s New York gives a pretty detailed (like, really detailed) analytical, technical, political, socioeconomic, historical-like introduction to how New York City changed to allow for our current … Continue reading

Posted in Charles Maniego, March 6 | Leave a comment

Is it politics or just business?

The fact that one of Bloomberg’s main strategies of winning the election was by publicizing his personality as a charismatic CEO is astonishing. With all of the popular CEO’s taking their prominent role in society, Bloomberg could not have been … Continue reading

Posted in March, March 6, Tyler Bianco | Leave a comment

Uh . . . I think I get it

This week’s readings were a tad (ok, very) difficult for me to grasp. This probably has a lot to do with my own ignorance of political science and the political atmosphere of New York City. I am still trying to … Continue reading

Posted in March 6 | Leave a comment


I think my greatest difficulty in this reading was wrapping my head around the idea of neo-liberalism. Once I got that covered, the rest seemed to flow more naturally. Neoliberalism seems to me to be moving more responsibility into the … Continue reading

Posted in March 6, Nicola Kornbluth | Leave a comment

Electing the CEO Mayor

A lot of the reading focused on this cult personality, or charisma a CEO needs in order to lead a business into success. Bloomberg took this idea and decided he could run on it in order to get him into … Continue reading

Posted in March 6, Yvette Deane | Leave a comment

comments on readings for 3/6

class, please use this forum to post comments on the readings for class on 3/6.  please post your comments by tues night. thanks. ar

Posted in March 6 | Leave a comment