
Question for Week 7

Debora Spar asks three questions in her chapter on surrogacy: Are surrogate mothers selling their children? Are they selling, or at least renting, their bodies? And if they are, should anyone be trying to stop them? Drawing from Spar, Kuczynski, and Saul, please write a response paper that addresses these questions.

Also, Andrew Solomon’s surrogacy situation was different, as you’ll read in his chapter from Far From the Tree. You don’t need to write about this, but please think about the differences and we’ll ask him about this in class.

Week 6 Question

This week your assignment has a slightly different format: Write an editorial for a hypothetical student newspaper about egg donation.  Drawing on all of the reading about egg donation, should women be paid for their time undergoing the medical procedures or for their particular eggs? (By “particular eggs” I mean eggs that might produce smart, tall, blond, future Ivy League babies)

Question for Week 4

On page 109 of Go Ask Your Father, Lennard Davis admits, “The whole idea of worrying about who your father is seems all of a sudden rather foolish. Can the invisible submicroscopic bits of DNA in the invisible millions of humans down there be of any real consequence?”

For this week, please explain exactly why it is that Davis becomes so obsessed with finding the truth of his paternity. Do you think sperm donation should be anonymous?