Category: Final Three Images
Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby
3 Photos
Anesthetics, Pain Management, and the Ignoring of Women’s Suffering – Photographs
![A typical anesthesia mask is placed over the patient's face in preparation for their surgery](
![Queen Victoria birthed her last two children, Leopold and Beatrice, with the aid of chloroform, administered every 10-15min throughout her labor. As an older mother at 38 years old, the physician felt this method would help both the mother and the child.](
![Twilight Sleep, a birthing procedure using morphine and scopolamine to reduce pain and induce amnesia, was sold as "Painless Childbirth" at a time when maternal mortality was still relatively high.](
The Health of Women-Aligned Social Activists
Maja Malou Lyse: Turning the Selfie Against Itself (Images)
Incarcerating Eve: Women’s Health “Care” in Prisons and Jails
The Politics of Hormonal Birth Control
Women of Color and Mental Health: A Tumultuous History and Present
Dr. Benjamin Rush, “Father of American Psychiatry”
Chattahoochee Insane Asylum, infamous for malpractice