A plastic Starbucks cup lays motionless on the ground. Plastic pollution continues to play a large role in the decay of the natural environment around us. While some places in America have adopted regulations to ban certain types of plastic, others have resisted. One thing is for sure, the future of plastic is uncertain.

“Well yeah I do think that we are wasting too much plastic. Most of it just ends up as litter and not many people recycle but I feel that a ban on disposable plastic wouldn’t do much. First of all, it would be difficult to enforce the ban. It just reminds me of a few years back when Mayor Bloomberg tried to ban large soda drinks in order to improve public health but that didn’t work out so well for him. The same would probably happen if New York City banned plastic bags or other items made with plastic. Banning bags and other kinds of plastic would probably cost a lot more for businesses that already make use of stuff like that. A better way would just be convincing more people to recycle or offering an alternative. Not everything has to be made with plastic.”
– Queens, New York