Wealth and inequality has always been a controversial topic within the Unites States, especially with the past election, it being Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ main campaign focus. The popularity and support he received attests that this is felt by many. However, it is important to mention that Bernie Sanders was a socialist and the concept of creating a country with little to no wealth disparity is a socialist idea. The United States is a capitalist democracy, not a socialist country. Thus, it is inherent that there will be inequality in wealth.

America is known for its economic fundamental principles of a free trade economy and capitalism which in essence means that the government does not interfere in the economy rather allows economic freedom and consumer choice. In the economic sphere, capitalism encourages economic growth.  Thus, the claim that income inequality prevents economic growth is not valid. Many socialist and communist countries such as the former Soviet Union who promoted income equality and the termination of social classes based on wealth, were able to disband income inequality but were thrown into poverty. Therefore, to correlate income inequality and poverty is inaccurate.

Moreover, to suggest that we should increase the income tax on the rich in order to distribute to the poor goes against our countries capitalist principles. Not only do they pay more tax as it is now, it simply goes against what our country was build on and would turn America into more of a socialist country. I personally believe that instead of just taking more money away from those who are wealthier, there are other methods to help reduce poverty and lessen the income gap by helping those who are in a lower income bracket to earn more by creating more educational opportunities, employment workshops and training etc. We should be directing our efforts on how to increase the wealth of the poor in order to prevent the cycle from repeating itself than simply distributing the wealth of the rich simply because it is an easier option.