Macaulay Honors College Seminar 2, IDC 3001H

Day: April 3, 2017

Class on Wednesday

In addition to continuing our planning for the class project on Halal carts, we will catch up on several subjects that we skipped over a few weeks ago. Please take another look at the question sheets on Chapters 3,5, and 7 as well as the New York Times article, “Where Education and Assimilation Collide” and be prepared to discuss.

Halal Cart info

Hi all,

Thanks for your participation in the website assessment activity in class today, and sorry that we were a bit pinched for time at the end.

A reminder to please write your brainstorm answers into the Google Doc. Just follow the format that’s already there. No need to replicate information, but we’re trying to compile everyone’s thoughts into one central place. From this, we will determine working groups and those groups can use these issues that everyone has come up with to do questions.

Also, one more reminder to pleaseĀ embed your prezis! Detailed instructions are in the last announcement that I sent, so please check there. With ALL posts, it is very important to view your post from the public-facing side of the site (or preview it before publishing) so that you can see whether it looks right or not. Some of you aren’t doing this, since obvious errors are being left in. Remember, your names are attached to these, so you want them to look good!
