Macaulay Honors College Seminar 2, IDC 3001H

Day: April 5, 2017

Halal Carts

I have never ordered at a Halal cart, I don’t even know what Halal carts serve, but I guess I’m about to find out.  Because of my Kosher dietary restrictions, I have only ever smelled Halal carts, and been jealous at how conveniently placed they are around the city. I never realized how many different things went into the Halal cart business.  I always just assumed that the one or two guys in the cart did everything.  On my strolls by Halal carts I have noticed that primarily immigrants are working inside, but it is never really something I thought about.

To be honest, before this semester, immigration was never really something I thought about.  After talking about Korean owned groceries today, I realized that I have never really considered what ethnic groups did what jobs or anything of the like.  I did not know what the class People of New York City was going to be about when I first walked in, but I find that I’m learning new things and encountering new things that I never knew and have never encountered before.  This class has been a great opportunity for me to be able to step outside of my comfort zone and learn about different types of cultures.

While I unfortunately will never be able to eat at a Halal cart, I think it’s important to learn about the immigration aspect of Halal carts and the dietary restrictions of Islam.  I have always gotten a little annoyed when someone had no idea what Kosher is and I had to explain it to them, but now I realize that I know nothing about Halal and I probably should never have gotten annoyed.  I think this class is really helping me get over some ethnocentrism that I might have felt being raised in a mostly Orthodox Jewish community.  While it is great to be part of a community, I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about the outside world, and become more acclimated with other cultures.

Indian Food near Baruch College

Dilpreet Singh

After our discussion about cultural food in class, Raian and I were pretty hungry and decided to get some Indian buffet food. We choose to eat at a buffet because we were basically starving until that moment and wanted to fill ourselves up.  After walking around a few places examining the price, menu and other various factors, we decided to go with Dhaba, a Punjabi Cuisine place that offers both dining, takeout, and delivery. Dhaba is a sort of higher class Indian restaurant that has been recognized for its outstanding Indian cuisine, excellent service, and friendly staff. Additionally, with waiters and chefs from South Asia, it was easy to see that Dhaba tried to portray a more authentic look. In contrast, Raian and I have also gone to places like Haandi, which provide Indian food for a lower price and the waiters and chefs are from a Mexican descent. Additionally, the environment at Dhaba was very different from Haandi. Dhaba was a lot cleaner, customer-friendly, and the food was, in general, more fresh and tasty. On the other hand, Handi was a lot more dirty, noisy and less aesthetically-pleasing. At Haandi, the food was not as authentic in comparison to the food in Dhaba as well. I think the fact that Haandi does not have chefs from India ultimately does hinder it from reaching its full potential. When people typically go to an Indian restaurant, they want a cultural feel in which they eat food that was cooked by someone typically of Indian descent. However, I think at Haandi this criterion is not met and causes it to lose potential customers.


Tech committee and Slack

Hi everyone,

A reminder to please join the Slack team for our class, and then if you haven’t already, please join your group.  We are going to use Slack to coordinate for this project, so please turn on notifications or check it regularly (as you would email) moving forward. If you were absent today, you can see which group you are in by clicking on the channels on the left hand side. The handout from class today, as well as additional info about the project, is here.

Also, please email me with the member of your group who will be on the tech committee, and join the #tech Slack channel.

Have a good spring break!
