Macaulay Honors College Seminar 2, IDC 3001H

Author: Brianna Gelsomini

The Post 9/11 Era

During Thursday’s class, we discussed the different aspects of Joseph O’Neill’s novel, Netherland. This novel mostly takes place in New York City after the devastating event that was and still is 9/11. September 11, 2001 was provably one of the worst events to happen not only in New York City, but in the United States and the world. That event derived out of pure hatred and terrorism, and was truly an event that no one can ever forget. To be honest, I do not remember 9/11 from my own memory since I was merely a 3 year old girl. However, my parents vividly remember that day. It is ingrained in their minds. They remember the sky being unmistakably blue and without a cloud in the sky. However, after the attacks, they felt lonely, confused, and scared. In Netherland, Hans feels a similar way. He is profoundly affected by the Twin Towers collapsing and finds himself dazed, merely floating above his world. He feels disconnected and lost.  This feeling is extremely similar to how both New Yorkers and Americans felt during this sad and vulnerable time.

Looking back on a day that forever be in our hearts, one can not help but wonder what is in store for the future. Will something like this happen again? Will this country ever truly recover? With the new administration that this country is under, no one can entirely be sure. Our current president is entirely taboo of anything we have ever experienced before. However, it is up to us to decide how we want to mold our future. As New Yorkers, we have become more aware and more weary of our surroundings over the years. We have taken caution and note of whatever is in our path. However, the best way to combat our feats and losses is if we support this country in times of success and in times of sorrow. If we can do this, we will be unbreakable.

Struggles Faced by Chinese Immigrants

Immigrants have faced an innumerable amount of hardships while trying to assimilate into the United States. On Monday, we briefly discussed our trip to the Museum of Chinese in America. Before visiting that museum, I was totally unaware of how much discrimination Chinese immigrants faced. They came into this country in search of new opportunities and freedoms, and were utterly discriminated against.

There were certainly many images that had stuck with me throughout the trip, especially the propaganda image, titled “The Coming Man”, which was created in the year of 1881. This shows a cartoon of an evil looking Chinese man with long nails taking over and monopolizing all of the different work industries at the time. When white laborers began to organize for higher wages, American capitalists turned to Chinese workers to fill the need for human labor to open the frontier, fuel the industrial revolution, and support a new middle-class lifestyle. The Chinese were caught in between big industry and labor. Labor organizers used ideas of white supremacy to rally the working class. Prevented from joining labor unions, Chinese demands for better working condition fell into obscurity. White workers labeled the Chinese as the enemy. Americans accused Chinese workers of stealing their jobs, as well as being unfit for citizenship.


Even though this happened in the late 19th century,  this issue is still relevant today. Many people in this country claim that immigrants are stealing jobs from American citizens. During Monday’s discussion, we touched upon how racism can still exist through different mediums, like putting up a rent flyer that says “Chinese only” or “Whites Only”. This makes us reflect on the fact that history does repeat itself in a strange and scary way. It makes me ponder on what the future holds for America.

“Only In America”- A Reflection

What does one think when hearing the word “America”? Well, for starters, it is quite difficult to think of only one statement for America to be because it is just so diverse. America is one of the most powerful countries in the entire world, and is linked to so many different cultures, racial groups, and religions. There are certain aspects of the American culture that are uniquely American, and can be found “only in America”. Quite notably, one might say, “Only in America would we have a business man as our president” or “Only in America do we accept weather predictions based on whether or not a groundhog sees his shadow.” No matter how funny or insane these statements may sound, they are all part of what makes “America” America. However, we not bounded by and limited to just these attributes. We are much more than that.

Stephen Fry once said that the phrase “Only in America” refers to something “astounding, new, novel, remarkable, brave, bold, zany, ridiculous, colorful.” Quite frankly, this description is nothing short of the absolute truth. Compared to many other countries in the world, we are absolutely the best. We are all either immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Though we all come from a myriad of different backgrounds, there is one ideal that unites us all: we want to succeed. Those who come to America come with the intention to do better than their ancestors. It is the idea that they leave behind the burdens of the past and start fresh in another country with opportunities for individual growth and advancement.

This is one of the only countries in the entire globe that a person is able to come from nothing and still be successful. It is the American spirit that drives people to become not only the best versions of themselves, but is able to become something that has true meaning. Americans are innovators and are able to overcome any obstacles that they may face. We come up with new, bold ideas and actually have the capabilities to make those ideas come to fruition. We are truly able to live out our own “American Dream”, which is ultimately funded by the free enterprise system that guides this great country.

This country allows for opportunities that people in other countries can only dream about. One can start up a business and be their own boss or get a job that funds their own passions and goals. America is one of the only countries in which we are ale to truly be ourselves and become whatever person we want to become. Not only are we are the most diverse and colorful country in the world, but we are determined and strong willed. There are those who claim that the American Dream is behind us. Yet, they are totally wrong. The American Dream is the future and we are in charge of it. It is our duty to seize the opportunities that we have in this country to make it a better place. And quite frankly, only in America is our dream as a nation so big and so bright.