Kid’s a Genius

In his play, Don Juan, Moliere conveys social messages of atheism, adultery, and stupidity.  Throughout the play, Don Juan refuses to change his views towards life.  He believes the sole aim is to attain as much pleasure as possible.  The pleasure of sex and conquest are attained through women.  Thus, once the need is satisfied, women become disposable objects.  And then it is on to the next one. Atheism, on the other hand, gives Don Juan the pleasure of complete freedom.  Juan is free to do as he wishes since his parents seem to have no control over him.  His parents only job is to preserve their own honor by creating excuses for their shameless son.  However, as an atheist, Don Juan disregards any higher authority.  He answers to no one and is morally responsible for nothing.

Don Juan accepts hypocrisy as a new way of living.  Don Juan can still do whatever he desire, but now his excuse of “it’s what the Heavens wish” is less controversial than “it’s want I wish.”  No one dares to question God’s will.  In this way, no one truly knows his motives. Thus, he has no pressure by hearing the taunts from his father, servant, women, and society in general.  Many, today, abuse holy scriptures and ideals to fit their own views.  Contorting such truths enforces horrendous acts such as: terrorism in the name of Jihad, racism in the name of brotherhood, and suicide in the name of repentance.