You Lost Me At “Shakespeare”

I’m afraid I must agree with the majority of posts in my dislike of Shakespeare in general.  I have read and seen various Shakespearean plays and, quite frankly, have not enjoyed any of them.  Maybe it’s my lack of knowledge or interest in old words and expressions or my lack of patience in general, but I can’t seem to emotionally connect.  Unfortunately, I found this piece to be just as unbearable, if not more so due to its complex historical context.

I can’t help but question the relevance of this to today, save for the historical significance.  I don’t find any of the characters to be relatable as they were to some extent in Don Juan.  While both use stock characters to some extent, I feel as though Shakespeare’s characters are more complicated and, thus, more difficult to identify with.

I don’t mean to attack the piece as a work of literature-it certainly employs beautiful language.  I can respect it as a piece, but it’s just simply more analysis than I find enjoyable.  However, hopefully the magic of theatre will bring it to life when we all see it performed.

-Jacqui Larsen