Fiona Lee

Fiona - 9.1Hi, I’m Fiona, the Instructional Technology Fellow or, ITF, for this course. I’ve worked with Macaulay Hunter students and faculty members since 2009. I am currently completing my doctoral dissertation in the English Program at The Graduate Center, CUNY. My research examines the role of translation in shaping the national racial imaginary of Malaysia through the analysis of literature and visual culture. In addition, I’ve also taught transnational literature and digital composition courses at CUNY.

Here’s my story of how I came to New York City: I was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and came to the United States to complete my college degree. I moved to Brooklyn after graduating from SUNY Geneseo in 2004. I have come to love Brooklyn, and am often surprised at how rapidly the borough has changed in the time I have been here. I regularly travel to Kuala Lumpur to see my family. A while ago, when Apple first released its oh-so-reliable Maps app, Mad Magazine did a spoof cover of The New Yorker magazine. I found it amusing that the two places I call home, located on opposite sides of the planet, were right next to each other on the map. I also wished it were true.

Source: Mad Magazine, Jan 10, 2012

Source: Mad Magazine, Jan 10, 2012

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