Our individual class will make several trips outside of regularly scheduled class hours to cultural events, art galleries, and the like; in addition, you will be attending events organized by the Honors College for students across CUNY.  Additional dates will be announced as early as possible.  You are required to attend the bulk of these events; for Macaulay-wide events, attendance policy in set by the Honors College.

We appreciate that students have obligations beyond the classroom, but you are expected to make every reasonable effort to attend events for this particular section.  The absence policy for this class is:

Each student may miss one out-of-classroom event during the semester without penalty; however, if you don’t go, you will normally have to do a short make-up assignment.  If you cut a second or further event without advance permission, you will receive a failing grade for each event.  If you cannot attend any further group event(s) for urgent and unmoveable personal emergencies, see the instructor in advance about the possibility of an equivalent make-up project; for absences beyond the first automatic one, however, these will be granted only in unusual circumstances. Medical or official absences require documentation.  For a public and secular institution, CUNY is unusually accommodating about religious observances; please note, however, that beyond those already blacked out in the College calendar, religious holidays are not a blanket excuse to cut class.  Students whose private religious obligations may significantly decrease attendance need to discuss their situation with the instructor in advance, and to be aware that the conflict is your problem, not the school’s.