While not technically part of module 7, the movie Contact is an interesting exploration of one of the module’s themes, which is gender. We have seen less than stellar depictions of women throughout the course, both as people and as scientists. They are often underestimated minor characters or tools for the male protagonist to use as he moves through his own adventure. Contact confronts these issues head-on and incorporates them into the plot as obstacles for the female protagonist and as real life problems for the audience to grapple with. Ellie’s story exemplifies the ways in which female scientists are devalued and dismissed in favor of their male counterparts. As an English and Theatre major who has very little real experience with the professional scientific community, I was interested to hear our own Ellie confirm for the class that movie Ellie’s struggles were not unheard of and even quite common, relating several real-life stories of slighted female scientists. What makes Contact different and important is that it does not merely present these issues in the scientific community as factual, which they are, but depicts them as problematic and in need of reform. Ellie is a sympathetic character and watching her accomplishments get ripped away from her is eye-opening in a way the subtle dismissal of other female scientists in other pieces has not been.