Hope in Sunset Park?

What is the deal with these enclaves? As the semester goes on, we as a class delve further into this issue, and the more I read about it, the more it seems like these aren’t such bad things after all.

Hum especially won me over with his discussion of sunset park. The line that struck me the most I believe was when he said “The key dynamic in a neighborhood change is migration”. Migration, Hum believes, “refreshes urban pluralism even as assimilation draws others into the mainstream”. (Macionis and Parillo 1998:241) Different groups can exist! These neighborhoods are constantly changing hands, in with the new out with the old! Why, not so very long ago, sunset park was ruled by the Italians, the polish, etc. Now, a different group is revitalizing the area by moving in, and while only time can tell, I am sure eventually this group will leave and another group will come in!

The main argument against these enclaves are that these people aren’t assimilating into American culture, but in fact, they are just adding even more to American culture. These communities are NOT uni-ethnic, Sunset Park is comprised of so many different ethnicities.  Each one brings something different to the table.  These people are immersing themselves in their culture here in America, but they are also immersing native-born americans into that culture also!

It is sad that there are instances of racism in these places. For example, the attack on the thirty two year-old man by the two latinos. But, this led to something great, Sunset United. Honestly, it’s terrible that there is still racism, but by keeping ourselves segregated of our own free will and living in uni-ethnic communities, we promote it. The only way to really end it is to intermingle and to live among one another. Sunset Park’s diversity should shine as a beacon of hope to all of us that we can all live together, even if it may be only a distant glimmer.

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