Monthly Archives: February 2012

The “White” Lord

First and foremost, I would like to complement the films construction of the character Elgar Winthrop (Beau Bridges). Winthrop has a certain likability factor that works for him throughout the movie. His genuine interest in the residents of the tenement … Continue reading

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Gentrification or Assimilation?

On the surface, The Landlord (1970) seems like a film about gentrification, and the converting of a poor neighborhood into something better. As the film begins, we see Elgar, the white, upper class aristocrat (who totally reminds me of the … Continue reading

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For me, the Landlord showed more about white and black segregation/integration rather than neighborhood change or gentrification. There were many scenes throughout the film that emphasized the differences between the white and black people. For example, the beginning of the … Continue reading

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Why is my title “gentrification” backwards? There are three reasons: [1] It is a hobby of mine to write/say words backwards, ex. my name Miharbe! [2] I am strange. [3] Elgar starts the film as a gentrifier but does a … Continue reading

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The Spirit of Gentrification?

If we use the word “gentrification” to refer to the changes that occur when the “gentry” – wealthy (white) people – acquire or rent property in low income and working class neighborhoods, then we should have no problem saying that … Continue reading

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Elgar in Park Slope

The Landlord(1970) is a movie about Elgar, who runs away from home and invests in real estate. The movie, in my opinion, does not focus on gentrification. Elgar wants to gentrify the neighborhood, but the events that take place change him. … Continue reading

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Gentrification – Not Quite

Does Elgar Enders embody the spirit of gentrification? Not quite. The movie The Landlord (1970) posits the intent of gentrification immediately after it begins, with the acquisition of Park Slope property by Elgar. However, we soon find out that this … Continue reading

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The Landlord shows the gradual growth and change of relationships in an ethnic neighborhood between the “natives” and the “outsider.”  At first Elgar, a wealthy young man from the suburbs, does not fit in with the tenants of his tenement … Continue reading

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Secret Revealed: We’re all octoroons.

As for the case of Elgar, I think The Landlord only exemplifies the beginnings of gentrification, if that. The neighborhood, Park Slope, that he moved into was still significantly black when the movie ended. His family was still ridiculously ignorant as … Continue reading

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Gentrification is Necessary in New York City!

Through the recent history of New York City, gentrification has played an important role in changing the population patterns within the city. As the city takes on a more prominent economic and political position nationally and internationally, gentrification seems to … Continue reading

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