The people in Spike Lee’s neighborhood has a really specific connection. The only way I can think to describe it would be “love/hate.” The characters are forced to be with each other, but there are some instances in which they show some measure of affection. The biggest example is when Sal’s Pizzeria is closed for the day, but he still opens the door when the younger crowd begs for pizza. His words, “I’ve never had no trouble with dese people, don’t want none either, so don’t start none,” show that he isn’t as racist or arrogant as many of the people in the neighborhood.

While most of the people in the neighborhood were different, they shared the same idea of stereotypes. Buggin’ Out and Radio Raheem were angry because of Sal’s stereotypical pizzeria with the white idols on the wall. The men that sat and watched the neighborhood generalized the actions of the Korean store owners. Rosie’s mother claimed Mookie would never amount to anything more than a pizza delivery man because of his race. The entire neighborhood was suffocated by these irrational ideas. The most important part of this idea of “suffocation” comes from the weather. The fact that it is a ridiculously hot day pushed the tempers of each member of this Bed-Stuy town. Also, Radio Raheem’s aggressively loud music is key to the end scene and all the tension building up to it. I actually believe that this is the most important part of the entire movie. “Fight the Power” is the ideal song for Radio Raheem and it’s also his intro music. This song is what sets the scene for the brawl that breaks out at Sal’s Pizzeria. The absence of music during the fight is also important.

Finally, I believe that Mookie threw the garbage can because he was identifying with his friends. He saw the death of Radio Raheem and saw how Sal treated Radio Raheem prior to the brawl. I think that Mookie, finally, after working under Sal he couldn’t take anymore repression. After the fight was brought outside, Mookie was forced to make the choice between his own race and his employer. His choice was obvious, his “brothers.”

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