Sporty Shirley

Hi everyone! First off, my name is Shirley Yau. The name “Sporty Shirley” is from one of those ice-breaker, getting to know you types of games during orientation haha. I’m 17 years old and I was born and raised in Manhattan.

Well, if you guessed I was going to talk about sports! You’re right! I absolutely love exercising. I play many sports for fun such as tennis, basketball, and handball. No, I’m not an expert or anything, I just love playing! 🙂 I was on the cross country and track team in high school, so of all the sports, running has got to be my favorite. I’m incredibly picky about my running gear, and I’ve got to say: once you go saucony, you can never go back. Their shoes are amazing, incredibly lightweight but with enough stability so you don’t end up with shin splints! I have the Kinvara 2s. I know a lot of people may hate running, but I love the feeling after you run. Runner’s high. It’s quite amazing, like a world of weight has just been lifted off your shoulders. Not to mention the benefits it has for your body, tons of toxins are released from your body when you run, so it helps with your skin! Another plus haha.

To keep my life a bit interesting, I dabble in other sports such as kick boxing, rock climbing, kayaking, and biking! I’ve also done some events such as the Color Me Rad run and I’ve gone trapezing, horse-back riding, and hiking before. Weirdly enough, I’ve actually never gone paintballing before; but fear not, it’s on my bucket list! I love going to exciting events! Like last week, my friends and I randomly just took a capoeira class, which is like a brazilian martial arts class at Nago Academy which was a really great experience. I’m the type of person who drags people to weird events haha, but they turn out to be LOADS of fun!.

Aside from that, I guess I’m into healthy eating haha. I haven’t eaten any food from stores like McDonalds, Wendy’s, Burger King, etc since I was about… 8? It’s a pretty good run haha. I hope I don’t slip up! But yea, I always try to eat foods that are healthy! And as for snacks, sorry for those allergic to nuts, but my absolute favorite bar is KIND BARS! I could eat them for days. Clif bars are alright, not nearly as good haha. I’m not too picky about what I eat though, I eat all types of food! I tend to gear towards home cooking though, to keep it healthy. I prefer cooking food myself because I know exactly what goes in it. Because of this, I like watching shows like MasterChef! But I also watch other shows too, like Grey’s Anatomy, Suits, and White Collar. I also listen to all types of music. A few of my favorite artists are: Sander van Doorn, Porter Robinson, and Tigerweather. Nice to meet all of you!


Sporty Shirley — 2 Comments

  1. We should get together for basketball or handball! I haven’t found many people to play with, either because they’re really really good or just because they’re not into it. And I absolutely love to run as well 🙂 I get what you mean by ‘runner’s high.’ Also, fyi, paintballing is PAINFUL >.< but it's fun if you try really hard not to get hit LOL expect bruises!

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