
Hi everyone!

My name is Evans Charles Augustin, but my friends just call me Evans. I was born in Brooklyn, New York but by my first birthday my parents moved us out to Malverne which is on Long Island. I love playing soccer, I have been playing since I was seven years old. Since then it has become a big part of my life, I love playing pick up games with friends and my little brother. I have played for a few different teams including my high school for all four years. Soccer has helped me meet new people, travel to interesting places around the country, and get out of my shell. Sometimes when I’m playing I feel like a completely different person.

IMG_0567IMG_0269  I also have an interest in drawing,  lately I have been practicing drawing anime. I never knew there were so many techniques and styles you could work with.


The last thing I drew.





I don’t really like talking about myself, but I am really looking forward to meeting all of you and learning about your interests.

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