“The Nose” Mood Diary

Gogol’s story about the nose that just “walk off” of the face of Major Kovalyov was intriguing for many reasons.  First, just like in “Metamorphosis” something that is beyond rules of nature comes alive in a story, and instead of the characters dwelling on the impossibility of the event that took place, they simply try to fix the problem.  I really enjoyed how the book begins with a bang – a nose found in a fresh loaf of bread.  It reminded me of a time I was at a stand up comedy venue, and instead of feeling out the crowd, the comedian made an extremely off colored joke.  Needless to say, everyone was on edge for the rest of his set.  No one starts off a set better than this guy:









The Nose itself seemed to be constantly changing sized; I do not know how an object goes from being settled on a human face to posing as a high ranking officer.  I am very excited to see what the MET Opera will do to portray the nose as being the size of an fully grown human.

State Councillor Nose

State Councillor Nose








At the conclusion of the story, I felt sad as to how much social status played a part in Kovalyov’s life.  His obsession with his connections with important people, his aloof demeanor to those above him, and his constant referral to himself as a major instead of civil servant (of the eighth rank) gave him an arrogant air that I was not fond of.  Once the nose is back in place, Kovayov prances around town with an even more pompous stride than before.  In life, once something is taken from us, we are supposed to forever grateful if we somehow get it back; he did just the opposite.  “You don’t know what you got till it’s gone.”

Credits:  Google images for pictures Web. 8 October 2013

Counting Crows – Big Yellow Taxi.


“The Nose” Mood Diary — 1 Comment

  1. It is very interesting that you noticed this difference between The Nose and the Metamorphosis. The characters in The Nose are more involved in the story, they actually try to fix or improve the situation instead of ignoring the issue and hoping it will go away. Kovaloff’s nose really upset me with its treatment of him. The nose had a tone of arrogance and superiority that I found hurtful, by how the nose belong to Kovaloff and they should have the same status. I understand that social status is important but I would not make it the center of my existence. I really enjoyed the story and how it had a positive resolution. I am also interested in how the Metropolitan Opera House will portray Kovaloff’s nose as an individual, it should be an interesting experience.

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